I got my eyebrow pierced today in the horizontal position, the guy didnt use a normal straight bar he used one this shape |_|, so its like half a square and the bar sticks up either side. Did anyone else get the same shape bar %26amp; if so did you change to a normal straight bar once it healed ? Thanks for any help x|||Your piercer used a surface bar, since a horizontal brow piercing is a surface piercing.
If your piercing ever heals (many surface piercings don't), using a straight barbell (or even changing the jewelry) will surely cause your piercing to reject.|||You mean he used a surface bar instead of a straight barbell? Since a horizontal eyebrow piercing is a surface piercing, a surface bar is the correct jewelry to use. Don't switch to a straight barbell once it's healed, it wouldn't fit right and most certainly reject. Only wear surface bars in it.|||Your piercer didn't use a straight barbell for a good reason. Surface bars, what you have in your piercing, are generally good for surface piercings since they tend to not reject as easily as a straight barbell. I wouldn't advise putting in a straight barbell ever in it since it could start to reject.
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